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ID Band Markers

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ID Band Markers & Assembly Ribbon

ID Band Markers

ColorIDBands.gif (76065 bytes)

Assembly Ribbon

ID Bands BW.gif (30669 bytes)


ID Band Markers are designed to provide a permanent method of wire identification. The marker may be installed directly on a wide range of wire sizes (0.160" - 0.280") before end termination is made, or the Assembly Ribbon may be used to mount ID Band Markers on larger cable, conduit and tubing. The same marker may be used for either right or left hand entry. Any number of markers, arranged in any sequence, can be assembled to provide the necessary code. Large code markings are hot stamped into the plastic and provide visibility over great distances. Codes won't rub off, fall off or peel off.

Each ID Band Marker is .25 inches (6.4 mm) long.


Assembly Ribbon is designed to attach ID Band Markers to bundles of wires and larger diameter cables, conduit and tubing. Markers can be rearranged and the Assembly Ribbon reattached with cable ties (or other means) at any time. Slotted at 1 inch (2.5 cm) intervals, Assembly Ribbon is cut to length as needed with scissors, pliers or a knife. This universal material eliminates the need to inventory multiple lengths. The frequent slots make appropriately sized Ribbons easy to produce on site.

Stock Assembly Ribbon contains two parallel slots every inch (2.5 cm). This provides a versatile means of creating markers of different lengths.


ID Band Markers and Assembly Ribbon are manufactured of durable, flexible PVC (UL, FR-1 Rated) which will resist oil, grease, acids, abrasion and most chemicals.


Standard markings are numerals 0-9, letters A-Z, and electrical symbols. Large type is used on all stock markers.


Stock colors are yellow with black markings and white with black markings. Stock Assembly Ribbon is black.Other colors may be special ordered.


ID Band Markers are attached in coils and twist off as needed. There are 100 single markers per package and 500 single markers per spool.

Assembly Ribbon is a continuous strand in packages of 10 feet, and spools of 33 feet (10 meters) and 50 feet.


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Phone: (518) 766-9878 FAX: (518) 766-3229